One-third of all babies are aborted in Wayne County, state data compiled by The Midwesterner shows.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services statistics from 2021 (the last year available) show 21,362 live births in Wayne County, including 7,994 in the city of Detroit.

Other numbers from the state of Michigan reveal 11,617 abortions occurred in the county that same year. In other words, 35.2 percent of all babies in Wayne County were terminated.

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Still other statistics show 55.6 percent of abortions were performed on black women, a disproportionate amount as blacks comprise 37.6 percent of Wayne County residents. Thirty-five percent were performed on white women.

Wayne County was far-and-away the center of the culture of death in the state. Wayne accounts for nearly half – 40.8 percent – of the state’s 28,409 abortions in 2021, while accounting for 17.6 of the state’s population. No other highly populated county came close to Wayne County’s high percentage of pregnancies ending in the death of the baby:

  • Oakland: 20.9 percent
  • Macomb: 26.3 percent
  • Kent: 14.6 percent
  • Ingham: 21.9 percent
  • Genesee: 26.3 percent

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) championed a constitutional amendment that effectively eliminated all abortion restrictions and voters passed it overwhelmingly. It is too early to say, but Wayne County’s percentage of terminated births will undoubtedly rise.