A poll released Friday found former President Donald Trump thumping Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by a 56-point margin, 69% to 13%, in the Michigan Republican presidential primary.

The survey, conducted July 11-13 by Mitchell Research & Communications, said the only Michigan candidate in the race, businessman Perry Johnson, garnered 0% support. Johnson suffered a similar lack of success during his race for Michigan governor in 2022 when he failed to make the ballot.

President Joe Biden is neck-and-neck with Trump in a general election matchup, 45% to 43%. A DeSantis general election candidacy does not fare as well against Biden, with the incumbent leading by 13 points, 44% to 31%.

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“It is clear that Biden and Trump are both very strong among their partisan supporters. Both are getting close to three-fourths of the vote in their partisan primary which is even stronger than the leads both have in national polling. Since Michigan is the fifth or sixth state holding a Presidential Primary, it is very difficult to see a scenario where either loses the primary in Michigan,” pollster Steve Mitchell said in a news release.

The poll tested two general election matchups for the open U.S. Senate seat, Republican Mike Rogers versus Democrat Elissa Slotkin and Republican Peter Meijer versus Slotkin.

Respondents narrowly backed Slotkin over Rogers, 42% to 41%.

Slotkin enjoyed a larger lead over Meijer, 42% to 35%.

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Democrats are enjoying a 5-point margin on enthusiasm. The poll found 71% of Democrats are “very enthusiastic” about the 2024 general election, while 66% of Republicans are “very enthusiastic.”

“It looks as though 2024 is going to be a very close election in Michigan. However, Democrats hold a small advantage because more independents are supporting Democrats than Republicans and because Democrats are more enthusiastic at this time,” Mitchell said.