U.S. Rep. Shri Thanedar (D) renounced his membership in the Democratic Socialists of America Wednesday because he said the group was “unwilling to call out terrorism in all its forms.”

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“Sunday’s hate-filled and antisemitic rally in New York City, promoted by the NYC-DSA, makes it impossible for me to continue my affiliation,” he said in a statement.

Thanedar added he still believes in the “goals” of democratic socialism, but he will not ally with the organization.

Mikal Goodman, a Pontiac City councilman and co-chair of the Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America, was fine with that, as he claimed Thanedar had already been booted out in September.

“His views are not − and have never been − representative of Detroit DSA,” Goodman told the Detroit Free Press. “Rep. Thanedar’s sensationalist statement today renouncing a membership that he has not been entitled to hold for nearly a month is a selfish distraction from the tragedy unfolding in the region.”

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Meanwhile, another DSA member, U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, refused to condemn Hamas’s actions, including executing babies:

Tlaib fled a Fox News reporter and was silent despite repeated attempts to get her to defend or renounce the terrorist actions.

She continues to fly a Palestinian flag outside her Congressional office: