Hillary Clinton was in Houston this week stumping for Sheila Jackson Lee for mayor when she was confronted by a heckler demanding answers about Bill Clinton’s trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s island.

Alex Rosen, a self-described fighter for kids, attended the Lee event Friday:

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Clinton was speaking about the apparent virtues of Lee when Rosen interrupted, “Hey Hillary, why did your husband visit Epstein island 26 times?”

The crowd immediately reacted by chanting “Sheila!”

Security and event personnel swarmed Rosen and he walked closer to the stage. As security attempted to push him towards the back of the room, he fell to the floor.

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He was then dragged by his t-shirt, nearly ripping it off over his head. He didn’t seem worse for wear: Rosen flashed a thumb’s up during the ordeal.

Here’s another angle:

Bill Clinton has admitted two four trips on Epstein’s plane, according to CNN, “one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation.” Epstein’s former pilot also said Clinton was aboard the plane several times.

Hillary has long been plagued by protesters challenging her over her husband’s alleged behavior.

In 2016, Hillary exploded on a man yelling Bill Clinton “is a rapist”:

“I am sick and tired of the negative, divisive, dangerous rhetoric,” she yelled as the crowd got rowdy. She angrily added the country was “going forwards, not backwards.”

Clinton was campaigning for Lee after Lee was exposed for harshly treating her staffers.

“Following the leak of an alleged recording that rattled Jackson Lee’s campaign, a number of female political and community leaders spoke up for the congresswoman at a rally Friday morning in Southwest Houston. Among them were Clinton and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, both doubling down on the need to elect Jackson Lee as Houston’s next mayor,” the Houston Chronicle reported.