Pro-Hamas protesters are escalating their tactics and even targeting the country in which they’re currently residing: America.

During a Thursday night protest, agitators burned and America flag, according to footage posted by @ScooterCasterNY:

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The protesters in New York City used a familiar genocidal refrain, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

It’s not clear why they’re chanting that comfortably from 5,675 miles away from the fighting and not joining in.

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The one day later, protesters swarmed Grand Central station in a highly organized disruption that included printed t-shirts:

A Democrat member of the state Assembly, Rep. Emily Gallagher, was arrested:

Gallagher told reporters as she was being led away that she was “standing up for peace and ceasefire.”

“We must stand up as hard as we can for ceasefire,” she said.

Gallagher wasn’t the only legislator siding with Hamas.

According to Common Dreams, “New York state Sens. Jabari Brisport (D-25), Robert Jackson (D-35), and Julia Salazar (D-18); State Assembly Members Zohran Mamdani (D-36) and Emily Gallagher (D-50); and New York City Council Members Tiffany Cabán (D-22), Alexa Avilés (D-38), Sandy Nurse (D-37), and Chi Ossé (D-36) took part in the protest.”