During a radio interview on WJR Monday, Democratic Michigan U.S. Elissa Slotkin boasted about her border security credentials.

Her legislative record, however, tells a different story.

When asked during the interview if she would vote to include Southern border security with Ukraine assistance, Slotkin responded:

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“Yeah, I will. I supported border security like my entire life. I’m a homeland security, national security, CIA officer by training,” she said. “So we have to be able to protect our border. We have to be able to know what’s going on there. Every single country has the right to know who’s coming in their country. And immigration policy is the most screwed up thing from top to bottom that I have seen. But in the meantime, I’m supportive if we need to have that conversation about more aid for our Customs and Border folks.”

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Slotkin is currently running to replace retiring Michigan U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow.  In her role as representative, Slotkin has repeatedly voted against bills to secure the Southern border.

For example, Slotkin voted for President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Plan, which The Washington Post reported: “Roughly 7 million of the 11 million undocumented immigrants would be eligible to apply for work permits, permission to travel abroad, and benefits like state driver’s licenses, a major step for immigrants from Mexico, Central America and other lands who remain vulnerable to being deported.”

Yahoo! News also noted: “If passed into law, President Biden’s Build Back Better bill would create the largest mass-legalization program for undocumented immigrants in U.S. history.”

The bill included a provision to expand federal student aid eligibility to applicants with Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients.

Additionally, Slotkin voted to end former President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration at the southern border. Her public statement at the time explained the reasons she voted in favor of House Resolution 1333, also called the NO BAN Act: “We need to be a nation of rules and laws, and checks and balances,” Slotkin said. “I believe the President’s decision to declare a national emergency in order to build a wall defies those core principles. And as a former Pentagon official and an Army wife, with a stepdaughter on active duty, I disagree with robbing the Pentagon coffers to pay for what seems like a political action on the part of the President.”

In an interview with the New York Times, Republican Pennsylvania U.S. Rep. Guy Reschenthaler said the bill would “weaken national security” and do “nothing to address the Biden border crisis.”

Slotkin also supported the $3 trillion HEROES Act and its revised $2.2 trillion replacement. Both versions of the bill extended $1,500 relief checks to illegal aliens who used Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers instead of Social Security numbers.

Vox reported the bill would shield essential workers “from deportation and offered employment authorization during the pandemic, and employers in critical industries would not be penalized for hiring unauthorized immigrants.”

Slotkin also supported House Resolution 6, which, according to The Heritage Foundation, would provide “amnesty and green cards to millions of illegal immigrants. It is prone to fraud and is an immoral solution to the illegal immigration problem.”