Special elections will be held in April to fill vacated state House seats in districts 13 and 25, but first primaries will be held in January.

In House District 13, which is rooted in Warren and portions of northern Wayne County, a husband and wife are running from opposite parties, setting up the potential for a general election showdown.

Curtiss and Suzanne Ostosh filed to the run in the 13th House District, the Detroit News reports. Curtiss is a Republican while Suzanne is a Democrat.

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“Curtiss Ostosh is the senior pastor at Harvest Time Christian Fellowship and his wife is the executive administrator for the church,” according to the paper.

They are “rooting for each other” to win their primaries, they told the Detroit Free Press.

“We’re not running against each other. We’re running for each other,” Curtiss Ostosh told the Free Press Monday. “We’re running for the city because we want to put people first, so no matter which one of us wins, we’ll be happy with that.”

The pair have been married for two years.

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Suzanne Ostosh must first defeat LaMar D. Lemmons of Detroit and Mai Xiong of Warren on January 30 to be able to take on her husband on April 16.

Curtiss Ostosh must first face off against Brandon Cumbee and Ronald Singer, both of Warren.