Pro-Palestinian agitators escalated their confrontation tactics Friday when they blocked a roadway in Hollywood and attacked a vehicle as the driver was attempting to pass.

Video showed several masked individuals damage a car at the intersection of Fairfax Avenue and 3rd Street, allegedly slashing the tires, and one protester even laid on the hood:

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Pro-Hamas malcontents jumped the shark a bit as they confronted Black Friday shoppers in New York and Michigan and attempted to somehow connect scoring deals to supporting Israel.

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“Bombs are dropping, why are you shopping?” they chanted in Manhattan:

“Are caskets 50% off?” one agitator’s sign read.

One protester’s sign equated Israel to “Nazis”:

Meanwhile in Michigan, agitators there converged on Somerset Mall in Troy and harassed shoppers:

“While you’re shopping, bombs are dropping!” they chanted in a variation of the scripted version from New York.

They even directed some chants at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who has waffled on which side she supports.

“Whitmer, Whitmer, what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?” they wondered, referring to Gaza, not Michigan’s abortion policies that she recently relaxed.