Pro-Hamas students planted their flag at the University of Michigan Monday and began sharing anti-American propaganda.

Students set up a “Liberated Zone” for Gaza on a Diag, a campus common area:

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Several tents could be seen, indicating the agitators intend to stay for a while. One banner read, “Encampment for Gaza: Divest Now!”

Palestinian flags could be seen waving from the lampposts. A giant “Love Live the Intifada” banner blocked a sidewalk.

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Among the most chilling literature to be circulating was a handout that declared, “Freedom for Palestine means Death to America”:

“The struggle for the liberation of Palestine is here. The Third Intifada is beginning. There is no more time for arguing with zionists or appealing to their liberal-fascist associates,” another read.

State Sen. Lana Theis (R) said the University of Michigan should refund tuition to students who are unable to attend classes due to the pro-Hamas protests on campus:

Your students should not feel threatened while on campus & their safety is your responsibility,” Theis wrote on X. “Further, if, these protests affect your students’ ability to attend classes or study, I believe a tuition refund is in order.”