The day after students set up a tent encampment on the Michigan State University campus last week to protest the Biden administration’s handling of the war between Hamas and Israel, they woke up to hot coffee and snacks.

There was also blankets, foam mattress toppers, and other donations made possible by a fundraiser organized by the Progressive Caucus of Mid-Michigan, utilizing Democrats’ favorite fundraising platform – ActBlue.

“That was very helpful,” junior Cara Mack told The State News, MSU’s student news site. “I actually slept on a, like, four-inch mattress pad. So honestly, I can’t complain. It was a little cold, but I was with my friends.”

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While it’s unclear how much the caucus has raised through the ongoing online fundraiser, the Washington Free Beacon reports “ActBlue is set to receive a 3.95 percent cut of those donations, according to its stated policies.”

“Support our student activists!” the donation page reads. “Please help us feed and house our campers!”

The page does not mention ActBlue’s fee, and neither does a hyperlinked “terms & conditions.” A separate “pricing” page states the nonprofit imposes a “3.95% transaction fee on each contribution.”

The MSU protest was ultimately a bust, failing to convince officials to divest nearly $600 million the university has invested in BlackRock funds and weapons manufacturers involved in the conflict. But it’s just one of scores of protests across the country raising funds to oppose what agitators describe as “genocide and occupation” in Gaza.

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The MSU protest and others come after “a George Soros-funded dark money group used ActBlue to bankroll ‘Free Palestine’ protestors who blocked major airports, highways, and bridges in April,” the Free Beacon reports. “The fundraiser, organized by A15 and Community Justice Exchange, remains on ActBlue’s website and proceeds are going to a legal bail fund for those arrested during the ‘blockades.’ ActBlue similarly received a ‘transaction fee’ from those donations as well.”

ActBlue is also playing both sides of the Democratic disagreement by hosting fundraisers for both pro-Hamas protestors and the Biden administration, which has resisted calls for a ceasefire and a halt to military aid to Israel.

“Donate to support Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats nationwide,” reads an ActBlue page for the Biden Victory Fund.

With student war protests escalating at Columbia University, and promises for more at MSU and other campuses, ActBlue will undoubtedly continue to profit from the unwitting Democrats it claims to support.

As students with the Hurriya Coalition at MSU noted when they shut down their encampment on Saturday, it’s “only a momentary pause” and “not an end to our movement,” WSYM reports.