For one Harper Creek High School science teacher, spreading partisan political messages to teens is more important than his livelihood.

“I cannot in good conscience continue to work in this district. I am a great teacher and I will not have my quality called into question over maintaining an environment of kindness and inclusion,” teacher Jeremy Cronk wrote in a letter to administrators posted to Facebook. “Finding good teachers is tough and this is truly a ridiculous thing to be losing one over.”

Cronk resigned on Thursday over a political flag in his classroom that included several Democratic slogans many in the community likely find offensive: “Science is real, Black lives matter, no human is illegal, love is love, women’s rights are human rights, kindness is everything.”

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Harper Creek Community Schools Superintendent Rob Ridgeway explained in a letter to parents that Cronk’s partisan flag is not part of the curriculum, and the teacher was repeatedly asked to remove it and repeatedly refused.

“At Harper Creek Community Schools, we promote respect, kindness and civil dialogue and do not tolerate bullying, harassment or intimidation of any kind whether in word, deed or on social media,” Ridgeway wrote, according to WWMT. “Our school policies and procedures prohibit employees from posting partisan materials of any kind in our schools unless they are part of our curriculum or staff receive approval from the building principal.”

Cronk wrote the flag is intended “to show that my room is an inclusive space, where everyone is welcome and everyone is respected.”

The teacher claims administrators likened statements on the flag to the “let’s go Brandon” slogan used by opponents of President Joe Biden.

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“I have been told that the messaging of the flag is partisan and divisive and I fundamentally disagree with this idea,” he wrote. “No statement on this flag is inherently political and I have done nothing to politicize the flag itself. I am simply letting all students know that my space is safe and welcoming to them.”

Cronk did not acknowledge that the slogans are widely used to promote vaccines, critical race theory, illegal immigration, abortion, and transgender lifestyles – all positions aligned with the political left.

In a post accompanying his resignation letter on Facebook, Cronk took the opportunity to take shots at his former co-workers who disagree with his message to students.

“If you are employed by Harper Creek and are happy to see me go, you’re likely a bad person, probably not a great teacher, and most of the reason I’m gone,” Cronk wrote. “You should sit with why this flag makes YOU uncomfortable for a bit and try spending more time outside of your homogenous bubble.”

Ridgeway informed parents administrators have a plan to fill Cronk’s position to avoid any disruption for students.

“I want to thank this educator for his service to our district and our students. We have a plan in play to deploy an educator to the classroom so student learning will not be impacted,” Ridgeway wrote. “As always, we encourage JOY, a HEART for PEOPLE, and BELIEF in YOURSELF.”

The ordeal has also exposed several other educators in the district who support his leftist agenda, including some who attended a school board meeting on Monday to vent their frustrations.

“If we’re trying to be an inclusive district that is welcoming to all, we need to make sure that is the message that we’re sending to our students, to our staff that work with our students and to our families that are in our district,” said Amy Smith, a Harper Creek Middle School teacher.

“School should be a safe haven where every child, regardless of who they are, can succeed and grow even if that means having a flag,” teacher Parker Arnold said.