An immigrant who had been arrested by a child predator task force last year for child predator crimes was in the country illegally, and has since been deported, WLNS 6 reported.

Severiano Marcos Maximo, 42, was arrested in October of 2023 on several charges related to attempted criminal sexual conduct involving underage children. From reports, it appears that he was one cog in a larger child predator operation that consists largely of immigrants, legal and illegal.

Maximo, according to the Immigration and Custom Enforcement Detroit Field Office, illegally entered the United States on at least two separate occasions as the Biden-Harris administration continues to neglect America’s southern border.

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“Severiano Marcos Maximo was an unlawfully present citizen of Mexico, who was removed to Mexico July 16, 2024. U.S. Border Patrol encountered Marcos Maximo near Douglas, Arizona June 5, 2004, and processed him as a voluntary return,” ICE officials wrote.

“He was returned to Mexico that same day. At an unknown date and location, he re-entered the United States without parole or inspection by an immigration official.”

On October 26, 2023, Maximo was arraigned in Eaton County, pleading guilty to three felony charges in February of 2024. He was sentenced to jail time and registration on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

In July of 2024, Maximo was released to ERO Grand Rapids, which sent him to Mexico later that month.

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Disturbingly, Maximo was not working alone. According to a child predator task force, which includes members from the Lansing Police Department, the Eaton County Sheriff’s Department and the Michigan State Police, Rafique Malik Muhammad, 51, was also involved.

Muhammad, who was in the country legally, was charged and convicted in late 2023. In January of 2024, he was removed from the United States and returned to his native country of Pakistan.

Since its inception, the task force has arrested 46 men spanning across 10 different operations.