Green Day was mid-song Wednesday night at Comerica Park in Detroit when the band suddenly ran off stage because of a drone threat.

Video shows someone running on stage during “Longview,” and moments later, band members following quickly behind. Watch:

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Here’s another angle showing singer Billy Joe Armstrong running away:

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The band didn’t get into detail when they posted an acknowledgement of the incident:

Detroit! Sorry for the delay in the show tonight, Stadium security had us clear the stage while they dealt with a potential safety issue. DPD quickly resolved the situation, and we were able to continue. Thanks for understanding,” the band said.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the interruption lasted about 10 minutes. During that time, the large screens showed a “Show Pause” message:

“There was an individual that flew a drone into Comerica Park, and because of that, Green Day was taken off the stage,” Detroit Police Department spokesman Cpl. Dan Donakowski told the paper. “DPD did locate the individual. He is being detained pending further investigation.”

The Free Press reported the drone could be seen overhead moments before the band fled.

According to Bridge Michigan’s Joel Kurth, Armstrong declared, “no motherf*ckers are gonna keep us down!” and continued the show.