Michigan House Speaker-elect Matt Hall put Attorney General Dana Nessel on notice Wednesday: “Oversight is coming.”

Hall held a press conference at The Nuthouse to draw attention to the Democrats’ lack of action on addressing the tipped wages issue, which restaurant owners say could cost 60,000 restaurant jobs statewide.

House Republicans — and at least on Democrat — are refusing to attending lame duck session until the issue is addressed, which caused Dana Nessel to deem it “literally criminal.”

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Hall didn’t take that sitting down, sarcastically calling Republicans “outlaws,” before taking a wrecking ball to the AG.

“This is a person who has engaged in lawfare who goes after people, notice they’re almost always Republicans and ties them up in years and years of frivolous criminal litigation,” Hall said.

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“There is oversight coming to Attorney General Nessel’s office,” he warned, referring to the new power House Republicans will have when they take the majority in January.

“There is going to be scrutiny on that budget. Her department and her office is out of control.”

After likening what Democrats have been doing in Michigan to what Democrats have done to President-elect Donald Trump, Hall said, “We’re going to be bullied and intimidated by this attorney general and she has no business in the executive branch telling us in the legislative branch what to do.”

“I hope she knows about the separation of powers, but we’re not going to be bullied by her,” Hall said.

“She knows oversight is coming and accountability to her department and scrutiny of her budget and we’re going to get her office under control because she’s out of control and she’s not running it very well,” the incoming House speaker said.

Watch the entire press conference here:
