Students at Grand Valley State University are working with lawmakers to address offensive anti-religion “art” purchased and displayed by the public university after administrators there dismissed their concerns.

“I am deeply concerned about the ‘Art’ that Grand Valley University felt so inclined to purchase and display,” state Rep. Jamie Thompson, R-Brownstown, recently posted to X.

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“One of my constituents sent me these photos expressing his frustration as a Catholic and a student at Grand Valley,” the post read. “He feels as though his Religious beliefs are being stomped on and thrown in his face, I agree with him.”

“If you have a child at Grand Valley you deserve to know about this,” Thompson wrote. “Rep. Luke Meerman, myself, and other leaders will be addressing this insulting attack on Christianity. Contact the president and the board and let them know how you feel right away!”

The “art” involves three 96-inch by 40-inch photo collage panels prominently displayed in GVSU’s student lounge at the Russel H. Kirkhof Center, home of the student union and one of the most heavily traveled buildings on the Allendale campus.

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All three panels depict a hooded figure, including one with a halo and another with its face crossed out in red. A description on the GVSU website alleges the images portray Our Lady of Guadalupe, a symbol of the Catholic faith and Mexican identity. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also a Catholic title for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.

The display includes numerous words and phrases in Spanish, including “Homophobia is lethal,” “Sexuality,” “Faggot,” “Stigma,” “Get your act together,” “Depressed,” “Lazy,” “They are killing us” and “No more feminicide.”

There’s also images of guns, men kissing, historical photos of women with guns, and what appears to be drag queens and LGBTQ pride celebrations. The “art,” titled Petalos De Cambio, or Petals of Change, was developed by GVSU alum Irlanda Beltran last year and is now in part of the GVSU Collection.

“By depicting scenes of love, acceptance, and resilience, the murals strive to create public spaces that celebrate diversity and affirm the dignity of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or mental health status,” Beltran said in the description of the project. “Ultimately, the purpose is to envision a future where the murals serve as symbols of hope and solidarity, guiding us towards a more just and compassionate society for generations to come.”

Students have worked unsuccessfully for months to have it removed.

“The … art installation was brought to the attention of Grand Valley State University Catholic students on September 26, 2024,” according to a student summary submitted to Meerman’s office. “Since then, many students have met with university officials to get this installation removed, but to no avail.”

Meerman told The Midwesterner he met last week with several students of multiple faiths who were offended by the display and is now working through GVSU’s legislative liaison to address their concerns with university officials.

“We went and looked at the art together,” Meerman said. “It was frankly sort of heartbreaking for me to see first hand.”

“It’s our understanding the university bought the art,” he said. “I feel it’s in extremely poor taste … depicting Mary, the mother of Jesus, with an X on her face and a gun at her feet.”

“I don’t think it belongs on a college campus,” Meerman said, noting elements of the display are likely to offend Catholics, Christians, Muslims, and Jewish students. “It’s definitely something I believe needs to come down.”

GVSU Assistant Vice President of University Communications Chris Knape responded to detailed questions from The Midwesterner about the display with a prepared statement that left most of the questions unanswered.

“This discussion and critical thinking art can provoke are part of why GVSU maintains and displays one of Michigan’s largest art collections across our campuses,” the statement read. “We understand that art can result in differing interpretations, sometimes creating discomfort. At GVSU, we welcome diverse – sometimes opposing – viewpoints as part of our commitment to the First Amendment.”

Knape also offered a description of the display that is available on the GVSU Art Museum website. He ignored questions about whether GVSU purchased the display, what it cost, and the reaction it has generated on campus.

The GVSU Art Museum website identifies Petalos De Cambio as “Lot 2024.24 – PURCHASE GVSU collection.”

Petalos De Cambio appears to be one of numerous “artworks” purchased by GVSU focused on progressive issues including genocide, gender issues, LBGTQ activism, climate justice, and others.

“CAPITALISM CANNOT BE REFORMED AND THE EARTH CANNOT BE REPLACED,” read a Risograph Print by Dylan Miner that was also included in the GVSU Collection in 2024.

Michigan taxpayers subsidized GVSU’s operations by nearly $100 million for the 2024-25 fiscal year, according to the Michigan Legislature’s higher education appropriations report.

The $99.82 million appropriated for the current fiscal year came with a $2.5 million increase over last fiscal year.

Students opposed to the display contacted an attorney who advised the situation may warrant a claim under the federal Equal Protection Clause or Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

The latter “applies to colleges and universities and prohibits discrimination against an individuals’ ‘full utilization of or benefit from the institution’ because of religion,” the attorney wrote, according to the student summary. “The argument would have to be made that students … are being denied the full utilization or benefit of the Kirkhof Center based on their religion.”

The student summary made clear students are not currently pursuing litigation.

Meerman acknowledged GVSU and its students have free speech rights that allows for offensive materials on display, but argued “free speech has to be handled in a responsible way.”

He said religious students are left “disenfranchised and publicly called out” by Petalos De Cambio.

“I don’t really feel like for a public university, it’s a statement they want to make,” Meerman said. “It doesn’t need to be displayed on a university campus, but I guess we’ll see what the university has to say at the end of the day.”