A group founded in the 1960s with communist roots is campaigning in Mecosta County for the battery plant linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Students for a Democratic Society, the radical group started at the University of Michigan by Tom Hayden and Bill Ayers, is now going door-to-door and rallying support for the Chinese-owned Gotion High-Tech plant looking to purchase about 1 sq. mile near Big Rapids.

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A group called “Ferris State University Students Coalition for Jobs” and Michigan Students for a Democratic Society produced a flyer defending the CCP Gotion project:


Source: Facebook.com

On the flyer, SDS says it seeks “to fully support Gotion’s potential developmental project as a means of creating 2,350 jobs for Michiganders,” and “to end xenophobic and racist attacks against Chinese businesses,” interestingly acknowledging the company is, in fact, not American.

Fight Back News, a far-left outlet, said SDS was going door-to-door in the community last week and was “able to spread awareness of this issue to hundreds of members of our local community,” a student activist, Sam Skene, said.

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“As a Flint native I especially understand the problem communities face when there is job scarcity. I find it crucial that SDS participates in any campaign that aims to inform and destroy xenophobic ideology,” Terience Perry, president of Oakland Community College SDS, told the site.

According to Skene, “Students explained to local residents about the need for new jobs, livable wages, community investment from Gotion, and the new training program Gotion will create at Ferris State.”

SDS’s defense of CCP Gotion is not surprising, given SDS activists’ long-time alliance with China and the Chinese Communist Party.

Former SDS national secretary Mike Klonsky was photographed sharing a toast with Chinese Communist party chairman and Mao Zedong successor Hua Guofeng and published on Marxists.org:


Despite recall campaigns against all of the township board members and regular opposition at township meetings, Supervisor James Chapman, The Right Place, and the Gretchen Whitmer administration are not relenting. They can now count SDS as an ally in growing support for the massive plant.

“Let them set up shop. We need jobs. It doesn’t matter what country the boss is from,” local resident Daniel Johns told Fight Back News.